Thanks for your interest in Outside House! Our website connects business like yours with those looking to improve the exterior of a house. From interior designers, architects, realtors, contractors, to homeowners, Outside The Side offers a fast and effective sourcing tool. Our goal is to improve your revenue. We offer two types of advertising spaces. Take a look below and discover how to reach your market effectively. We’d love to hear from you.

These are the most effective ads appearing on our front page, through all upper navigation bar clicks, and with both “Visuals” and “Tips” searches.
Sidebar one: $250.00,  Size: 260 x 260
Sidebar two: $200.00,  Size: 260 x 260
Sidebar three: $150.00,  Size: 260 x 260
Sidebar four: $100.00,  Size: 260 x 260
Sidebar five: $75.00,  Size: 260 x 260
Sidebar six  and more: $50.00,  Size: 260 x 260
Note: Priced per month for 2 month runs. Prices in CAD not incl. taxes.

Need to spread the word about your upcoming event, or want to stand out? This option is featured at all times page-wide just below the OTH header.
Event Promotion: $300.00/week, Size: 975 x 120
Note: Priced per week. Prices in CAD not incl. taxes.

Our SITE SPONSOR section is a list of companies and other supporters, listed below the EVERYWHERE SIDEBAR. It is featured on every page and link directly to your website.
$150.00 a year

To arrange for your advertisement or sponsoring, please
email us at or call 778.861.5202